There are 3 top rated news about Virtuals Protocol published in the last 30 days. We tracked a total of 167 articles about Virtuals Protocol during the last 30 days, the #18 most popular crypto on Bitcoin Monkey.

Yasmin, with 10 articles, is the author who writes the most about Virtuals Protocol.

More Info About Virtuals Protocol

The current Virtuals Protocol (VIRTUAL) price is $1.24, down $0.058463092363857 (-4.49%) in the last 24 hours and down 46.12% in the last 7 days. The 24-hour trading volume is $212.5M. With a circulating supply of 647.4M VIRTUAL the live market cap is $804M (0.0242% of the global crypto market cap) meaning a decrease of 4.53% in the last 24 hours, placing Virtuals Protocol in the position #106 of all cryptocurrencies ranked by total market cap.

Virtuals Protocol logo Virtuals Protocol VIRTUAL #106

$1.24 -4.49%
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